Config File Migrator

Laravel Doctrine provides a command to help migrate the configuration from another Laravel/Doctrine package to Laravel Doctrine's format.

This tool is meant to be used AS A STARTING POINT for converting your configuration. In most cases you will still need to inspect and modify the generated configuration to suite your needs.

Supported Packages

Package Version
atrauzzi/laravel-doctrine >= dfef4ad
mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine >= 0.5.0 or FoxxMD's Fork

Converting an Existing Configuration

You must have artisan installed in your project in order to use this command.

From the commandline usage is the following:

php artisan doctrine:config:convert [author] [--source-file] [--dest-path]

Flag Description
author The author of the package migrating from. Available authors are: mitchellvanw & atrauzzi
--source-file Path to your existing configuration file from the root dir of your project. If not provided defaults to config/doctrine.php
--dest-path Path where the migrated configuration should be created. If not provided defaults to config/

If migration is successful the file doctrine.generated.php is created in the dest-path specified.

Writing A Template for a Configuration

To create a new configuration file blade templates are used to create php code that is then rendered to a string and written to a file. Templates take in the original configuration as an array and output sections of the new configuration with the transformed values.

To create a template follow the following steps:

Implement "ConfigurationMigrator"

Implement the interface

First, create a new class that implements the interface LaravelDoctrine\ORM\ConfigMigrations

Write templates for each section of the config

This is one way to use templates, but may not be the best for your scenario. Use your discretion.

For each section in the configuration write a function that takes in the original configuration (or section of it) and provides it as an argument to a blade template.


 * Convert an entity manager section from mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine to a string representation of a php array configuration for an entity manager for this project
 * @param array $sourceArray
 * @param boolean $isFork
 * @return string
public function convertManager($sourceArray, $isFork)
    $results = $this->viewFactory->make('mitchell.manager', ['data' => $sourceArray, 'isFork' => $isFork])->render();
    $unescaped = html_entity_decode($results, ENT_QUOTES);
    return $unescaped;

Write the new section of the configuration using blade syntax to create patterns to iterate over (IE foreach over entityManagers).


    'meta' => '{{{ $isFork ? $data['metadata']['driver'] : 'annotations' }}}',
    'connection' => {{{ $isFork ? '\''.$data['connection'].'\'' : 'config("database.default")'  }}},
    'paths' => {{ var_export(ArrayUtil::get($data['metadata']['paths'], $data['metadata']), true) }},
    'repository' => '{{{ ArrayUtil::get($data['repository'], \LaravelDoctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::class) }}}',
    'proxies' => [
        'namespace' => {{{ isset($data['proxy']['namespace']) ? '\'' . $data['proxy']['namespace'] .'\'' : 'false' }}},
        'path'          => '{{{ ArrayUtil::get($data['proxy']['directory'], storage_path('proxies')) }}}',
        'auto_generate' => '{{{ ArrayUtil::get($data['proxy']['auto_generate'], env('DOCTRINE_PROXY_AUTOGENERATE', 'false')) }}}'
    'events'     => [
        'listeners'   => [],
        'subscribers' => []
    'filters' => []

Use "MitchellMigrator" as a reference.

Add Your Migrator to "ConvertConfigCommand"

Finally, instantiate your Migrator and add a case for it in "ConvertConfigCommand".