Meta Data


This package supports Doctrine annotations meta data and can be enabled inside the config.


This package supports Doctrine xml meta data and can be enabled inside the config.


This package supports simplified Doctrine xml meta data and can be enabled inside the config.

The format of the paths config value in doctrine.php config differs sligthly from the default. The path should be passed as key, the namespace as value.

'paths' => [
    '/path/to/files1' => 'MyProject\Entities',
    '/path/to/files2' => 'OtherProject\Entities'

Check the Doctrine documentation for more information:


This package supports Doctrine yml meta data and can be enabled inside the config.


This package supports simplified Doctrine yml meta data and can be enabled inside the config.

The format of the paths config value in doctrine.php config differs sligthly from the default. The path should be passed as key, the namespace as value.

'paths' => [
    '/path/to/files1' => 'MyProject\Entities',
    '/path/to/files2' => 'OtherProject\Entities'

Check the Doctrine documentation for more information:


This package supports static PHP (static_php) meta data and can be enabled inside the config.


This package supports using config meta data and can be enabled inside the config.

Extending or Adding Metadata Drivers

Drivers can be replaced or added using LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Configuration\MetaData\MetaDataManager. The callback should return an instance of \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver

public function boot(MetaDataManager $metadata) {
    $metadata->extend('myDriver', function(Application $app) {
        return FluentDriver();