A drop-in Doctrine ORM 2 implementation for Laravel 6+
Doctrine 2 is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP that provides transparent persistence for PHP objects. It uses the Data Mapper pattern at the heart, aiming for a complete separation of your domain/business logic from the persistence in a relational database management system.
The benefit of Doctrine for the programmer is the ability to focus on the object-oriented business logic and worry about persistence only as a secondary problem. This doesn’t mean persistence is downplayed by Doctrine 2, however it is our belief that there are considerable benefits for object-oriented programming if persistence and entities are kept separated.
Laravel Doctrine offers:
- Easy configuration
- Pagination
- Preconfigured metadata, connections and caching
- Extendable: extend or add your own drivers for metadata, connections or cache
- Change metadata, connection or cache settings easy with a resolved hook
- Annotations, yaml, xml, config and static php meta data mappings
- Multiple entity managers and connections
- Laravel naming strategy
- Simple authentication implementation
- Password reminders implementation
- Doctrine console commands
- DoctrineExtensions supported
- Timestamps, Softdeletes and TablePrefix listeners